
Do You Rewrite Your PLR Articles This Way?

I don’t know if you are aware of a very recent HOT thread in the Warrior Forum where several warriors 'bitched' a fellow who was selling an article marketing report in his WSO. Reason: well, he was apparently telling in the report that if one takes an article from the web, rewrites 40% of the content and submits it to and others, then that is okay! Hmm, not ok, right?

So a bunch of Warriors jumped in defense of 'good writers' and lashed out the seller. Later it turned out that the entire thing was a joke, and the seller was actually telling people to rewrite 100% of an article before submitting it to article directories. It all started with one bungled email.

So what this article is all about? You mean, you didn’t get it yet? Well, I will tell you about something regarding article rewriting you probably didn't know about!

Look, I don’t rewrite articles anymore. What I now do instead is just look up a couple of articles on the topic, then jot down the main points, and write my own article from scratch.

But when I used to rewrite, I would do it in an easy way: instead of trying to rewrite an entire article, which would have been overwhelming to say the least, I would rewrite the article part-by-part, or say, paragraph-by-paragraph. I found that by splitting a plr article into small chunks of texts, I was able to complete the rewrite process faster than trying to rewrite the whole thing at a time.

After that, I would just re-arrange the paragraphs. Let's say that the original article lists the top five traffic generation techniques in the following fashion:

1. Article marketing

2. Blogging

3. PPC

4. JV Giveaways

5. Social networking

I can re-arrange the points as follows:

1. Blogging

2. Article marketing

3. Social networking

4.  JV Giveaways

5. PPC

There is a reason behind it: long ago I had seen someone on the Warrior Forum point out that while IDEAS cannot be copyrighted, the ARRANGEMENT of the ideas can be! If the paragraphs in your article is arranged in the same fashion as the original article, you MAY get in trouble. I am not saying that you would, but there is still a chance.

And I don’t want to take any chances. I want to be on the safe side. So, that is how I used to do article rewrites. I no longer do it though. :)

If you ask me, I would say that article rewrite is just another lame 'shortcut' for IMers. Writing an article from scratch would probably take a little bit longer but you will notice that this article pales in comparison to the rewrite version.

All the best with article marketing. I have a report coming up soon which will be on how to monetize plr articles and that includes the process I used to follow to rewrite articles. Call that a shameless plug if you want. :D

How do you do your rewrites? If you want you can share with me. :)

1 Comment

  1. ProWriter

    Rewriting is definitely not the best way to command anyone’s attention. It is true that the ideas and arrangement of an article are part of the copyright.