Atopic dermatitis, commonly known as infantile dermatitis, is a common ailment among children, especially those living in the western countries. Unfortunately, eczema doesn’t show up its symptom until it is too late. So it is difficult to predict whether your baby is suffering from eczema or not until you notice a major outbreak on his skin. One of the main causes behind eczema is dry skin. Babies who have dry skin are more likely to suffer from eczema and other related diseases than others. In this article, I will tell you how to cure your baby’s eczema easily!
1. One of the main challenges you will face when treating your baby is that they won’t stop scratching the itches no matter how much sound advice you give them. Just in case you don’t know, scratching the itches will irritate and burn the skin of your child to such an extent that the infection will be aggravated. Usually, your baby will get cured of eczema as he ages. However, for now, your best option is to apply a moisturizer on your child’s skin. Regular application of a good moisturizer immediately after bath will ensure that your baby gets rid of eczema quickly.
2. If you buy synthetic clothes for your child, you should stop doing that right now! Synthetic fibers are extremely bad for your child’s skin, whether he suffers from eczema or not. You should buy only cotton clothes for your child to make sure his skin never gets irritated.
3. The temperature of your baby’s bathing water also plays a big role here; as a rule of thumb, hot bath water generally irritates the skin and augments eczema. So you should use only lukewarm water for bathing your baby. Also make sure that you bathe your baby twice a day to keep his skin from getting dried. If the water irritates your baby’s skin you can add a little salt (about half a cup in a bucketful of water) in the bath water. And make sure to avoid perfumed soaps and detergents at all costs. And of course, immediately after bathing, you should apply a moisturizer on your baby’s skin.
4. There are some types of moisturizers which you should avoid. For example, avoid moisturizers which have a sweet fragrance. Also, try to avoid chemical moisturizers as far as possible and opt for the natural alternatives. If you cannot find a natural moisturizer, your local doctor should be able to help you with it.
5. Since dry skin is one of the main causes behind baby eczema, you need to be proactive to make sure that your baby’s skin never dries up. To do this, get a cotton cloth, and soak it in lukewarm water. Make the baby sit up on the bed and put the moistened cloth on his shoulders and back. Then get another cloth soaked in lukewarm water and put it over his toes and fingers. In this way, you should cover his entire body with damp clothes. The baby should remain in this condition for at least half-an hour everyday.
While it is not impossible to cure baby eczema, it can be difficult at times. Fortunately there are several easy ways you can use to treat your baby’s eczema.
If you want to get more information on how to get rid of eczema, [adrotate banner=”19″]