A couple of days ago, a lady subscribed to my Nuttiezine newsletter and asked the following question:
"Considering "Panda" and the huge emphasis on pap, isn’t PLR a little uncertain?"
Now, I don’t know what "pap" means (it means so many different things actually, if you do a Google search). Maybe you could explain it to me? :D
I already answered her privately, but figured out that others might have the same question as well! So, that is what this article focuses on!
As you may know already, I am both a plr seller and a plr user! :)
And you can also read my sarcastic answer about private label content and panda update in FAQ#1 of this article! :P
No, if you want to use plr "as is" without changing them in any way at all, then you really have a long and hard road ahead, thanks to the may day and panda updates. The thing to keep in mind is: plr is meant to be rewritten, not used ‘as is’. Even Amazon does not have anything against "plr" per se; they just don’t like duplicate junk; if I were they I would not like it either!. ;-)
As long as you rewrite plr to make it your own, there should be no problem with your search engine ranking. Let us face it: the goal of all search engines, including Google, is to weed out junk and spam from their databases, and to that end, they keep updating their algorithm all the time. Such algorithm changes affect both legitimate and illegitimate websites, but they usually hit the illegitimate sites harder. Legitimate sites are usually able to get back to their original rankings with the addition of some fresh content and/or backlinks.
PLR, or Private Label Rights, is originally meant to give you a helping hand! Let us say that you wanna write a report, but don’t want to do all the research work that comes with it; outsourcing the job is not within your budget either! Or maybe, you are someone suffering from the proverbial ‘writer’s block’ and don’t know where to start. PLR can help you in such circumstances. With PLR content, you buy rights to someone else’s research: someone else has already done the hard work of creating a report on a topic you are interested in (say, weight loss, or acne, or search engine marketing). Now you are left with the easier task: to re-write, re-word, and re-title the report; maybe even add your own ideas to it so as to enrich it even further! :D
Remember I am not just a PLR seller; I am also a PLR-user. ;)
Getting ranked with un-re-written plr used to work incredibly well in the pre- may update period; but now, it is all a thing of past; for lazy webmasters who don’t even want to re-write the plr content a little bit, ranking for any term in any search engine at all is going to be harder, if not impossible. Unless you have an authority site with a high pagerank, building pages with un-rewritten private label content is a waste of time IMO.
Think I am defending plr content just as a ‘biased plr seller’? Then why not try it yourself: why not build a brand new site with completely rewritten plr content and another with un-re-written plr content, and see which one makes you more money in the long run? ;)
People are strange in that they make strange assumptions; but assumptions don’t make you money, hard work "the smart way" does! ;)
Now, if you liked this article, please click here to post a nice comment! :D
You can also link to it, tweet it or even like it on Facebook if you want to! ;)
Real good post Arin. You can also use PLR content to produce good Ebooks, reports, articles (do not submit any PLR content to ezinearticles) webpages, and blog posts. However, it is imperative that you read the content and re-write it.
I do my best to make it sound like me, my character, voice and people will respond in a positive manner.
PLR content will save you time in research. However it is important that this content comes from a reputable source.
Hey Nuttie, First off happy new year.
Re; plr I recently got a little lazy and post some PLR to my website. Did some editing and sub titles but the site dropped from a 1,2,3,page on google to nothing real quick. Deleted all the PLR replaced with my own stuff and hay presto it was back just as quick!
Stay Well Stay Happy
Way to go John. :-)
Hi Arindam
I’ve been reading all your articles. You are one of the few I actually look forward to receiving an email from because I find your articles come from your own mind. You write as you speak. You said you use plr materials but I definitely don’t see it here. Perhaps you use them for your other sites. I can normally tell if an article originates from plr or not.
You are right Dee. All the articles on my blog are my own writings. I do use plr stuff on some of my other sites, and mainly to make money off adsense ;-)
I don’t think PLR as concept is a problem or should be seen as negative, I find it very useful. What should be avoided is bad quality rehashed PLR.
Like you, I’m both a user and creator of PLR…and I use a lot of it! I think people panicked about Panda because there were so many sites hit hard…but it wasn’t Panda as much as the duplicate content. Google’s making webmasters and bloggers offer what they originally should have been offering…good solid content.
As long as PLR is used the way it was designed and we add our own voice and personality to it, I don’t figure it will ever be an issue.